Wash the soul of the trip

Tibet, obsession, there must be repercussions

Tibetan Plateau Edge legend

Beyond the《Third pole》

1+X.Private travel

Behind the mirror

《Third pole》Those things that didn't tell you.

What can you do in Tibet in 2015

Tibetan New Year / Chinese New Year

duang~2015 I want to go to Tibet to look at the moon and you shangxue!

Men's shoes Is it right? Have a backpacker dream?

tea ceremony 318

2015 graduation season, lost the bag to travel!

Western Tibet adventure 100 series

Tibet beautiful photography collection 2014

Colorful Plateau

樂。活。成都 ~ 香港人在成都

              帶著相機去旅行    腳步放慢了    也走遠了    看多了    亦認識自己多了    你呢


香港人在成都, 全職帶小孩, 兼職旅遊顧問


認識我的朋友都知道我移居成都差不多5年了, 對成都還算有點認識吧, 加上以前到川西, 川藏的旅遊經驗, 相信可以在大家計劃旅遊行程時給點建議.  聯繫我@ : : +852 98677932 /  :  gracewong123

歡迎大家來交流, 基本上關於成都周邊觀光, 四川旅遊, 特別是川西, 川藏線或從成都出發的任何行程都可以, 需要找包車也可以幫忙安排.


前進! 前進! 前進! 進!!!

時隔59個月, 再次向西藏出發; 但今次選擇的是......行路

